Help us identify a young person's spark so they can strengthen and grow
Over the years, the 12 Buckets program has produced outstanding results, helping young people build stronger futures and grow into self-sufficient adults who can have a positive impact in our community.
Our tailored approach allows each student to flourish and develop their abilities in areas of interest to them while contextualising socio-emotional and academic learning within the skill development process.
I want to help immediately, what can I do?
There are so many ways you can get involved with 12 Buckets, whether it be via ourĀ mentoring programs or by fundraising for us – but one of the key things you can do is donate to our program to help continue our good work.
It costs $1,200 for a child to take part in our yearly one-to-one mentoring program. Any donation goes a long way. We accept one-off or recurring donations – you can donate at a frequency that suits you.
1 Child+$1200=Yearly Mentoring